The Institution comprises of the following organisational units:

  1. Department for General Administrative Affairs,
  2. Department for Research, Conservation and Documentary Tasks,
  3. Department for Architectural Works,
  4. Department for Paintings and Laboratory.
Internal Organisation


The Department for General Administrative Affairs comprises of the following organisational units:

  1. Secretariat
  2. Accounting Unit

1. Secretariat staff conduct expert tasks on the legal protection of immovable cultural resources; follow and apply laws and other legal regulations and draw up normative acts of the Institution; perform the tasks related to employment, public procurements, conducting of administrative proceeding; draw up draft decisions on categorisation of immovable cultural resources and conduct other tasks related to implementation of legal regulations, conduct archival tasks, typing, as well as the tasks relating to maintenance and security of business premises, as well as to the maintenance of motor vehicles of the Institute and other equipment in the Institute.

2. Accounting Unit staff conduct expert tasks relating to accounting and bookkeeping, along with following of financial regulations and procurement of materials and inventory items for the Institute and working sites of the Institute. Annual analysis of income and expenditure is conducted, financial documentation is controlled and periodical and annual financial statements are prepared.

Internal Organisation


The staff of the Department for Architecture conducts the following tasks:

  • research and valuation of immovable cultural resources
  • compiling of technical documentation on immovable cultural resources
  • compiling of draft conditions for conducting of technical protection measures and other works on the immovable cultural resources;
  • compiling projects on technical protection measures and other architectural and construction works on immovable cultural resources;
  • drawing up of draft consents for the projects of technical protection measures and other architectural and construction works on immovable cultural resources;
  • conservation supervision of the performance of architectural and construction technical protection measures on immovable cultural goods;
  • handover of architectural and construction works on immovable cultural goods;
  • participation in drafting and drafting of special and urban plans;
Internal Organisation


The following tasks are performed in the Department for Research, Conservation and Documentary Tasks:

  • research, valuation, central register and documentation on immovable cultural resources
  • archaeological research and excavation works;
  • photographic and photo archive tasks;
  • maintenance of technical documentation and repository of plan registers;
  • export of resources under previous protection;
  • publishing;
  • library maintenance.
Internal Organisation


The Department for Paintings and Laboratory comprises of the following organisational units:

  1. Atelier for conservation of wall paintings, icons, iconostasis, mosaic and reliefs;
  2. Laboratory for physical and chemical assays.

The following tasks are performed in theAtelier for conservation of wall paintings, icons, iconostasis, mosaic and reliefs: Condition of cultural resources is examined, along with the causes of their vulnerability and deterioration,composition of materials and technology employed in their making, conditions under which they exist; materials and methods for conservation of cultural resources are tested and the selected ones are supervised. Plans are drawn, research works are conducted and records of monuments of cultural heritage and Resources under Previous Protection are made;materials used in conservation are analysed and results of these analyses are published;documentation records about frescoes, mosaics, icon paintings and movable cultural resources, sculptural decoration and sculptures and about conservation and restoration interventions completed are compiled; projects and studies are developed to be implemented in conservation and restoration processes and presentations; conservation and restoration interventions are managed and directly carried out; research with the aim of finding innovative methods and materials for conservation and restoration of mural paintings, movable cultural resources and sculptural decorations and sculptures; compiling of studies and monographs on monuments of cultural heritage; protection and use of Cultural Resources of Considerable Importance and Cultural Resources of Exceptional Importance are supervised and curatorial measures are proposed; promotional tasks relating to cultural heritage are conducted along with specialized vocational training and professional development of personnel through lecturing, presentation of papers and participationin seminars and courses, etc.

Internal Organisation

The following research tasks are conducted in the Laboratory: analyses and assaying of samples, conservation and restoration processes, materials used in interventions and restoration,conditions of the resources. Test are run on samples of materials used in production of the works of art (wall paintings, easel paintings, decorations, objects), as well as on the construction materials (brick, stone, wood, mortar) in cases of buildings. Processes are examined, characterised and improved(injecting, consolidation, cleaning)and tests are run to determine the chemical and physical characteristics of materials used in interventions and restauration; in addition to the above, methods of application and microclimate conditions are examined and various environmental impacts on degradation of cultural monuments are analysed.